Commission passes budget, adds merit system

Published 10:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Limestone County Commission passed the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget at its meeting Monday, Sept. 18. The $54 million budget is an 11 percent increase above last year’s budget and an 8.98 percent increase for the general fund.

The general fund budget for 2023-2024 is $19.1 million with 65.25 percent of that budgeted for the sheriff’s office, jail, and inmate medical.

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The budget’s pay scale also reflects a 2 percent cost of living adjustment to county employees effective Oct. 1.

The commission opted to pass Option B of the 2023-2024 budget which includes a new performance review process of employees. District 2 Commissioner Danny Barksdale was the only commissioner to vote no.

“Two years ago, we did a salary survey. Different government entities around North Alabama was polled and then we set our salary at 5 percent above those levels,” Barksdale said. “We are one of the best paying counties in Alabama.”

Daly explained, “A few years ago, we did do a new pay scale. We were really struggling with recruiting and retaining employees at that moment. Since that time, everybody else has done a pay adjustment, too. Now they’ve got above us again.”

The merit system the new budget puts in place allows department supervisors to perform evaluations and determine if what type of merit is given. The new system is designed to benefit the employees who work above and beyond.

“In the past, we have been rubber stamping the employees; they get a one step increase and a merit increase yearly, no matter what. This way, you evaluate the employee and rate them. They can get up to two steps or they could get none. Plus, this option is going to give the ability to put an employee on probation,” District 1 Commissioner Daryl Sammet said.

District 3 Commissioner Derrick Gatlin likes the opportunity for an employee to receive an evaluation of their work.

“If they have something they aren’t doing really well, it gives them time to say, ‘Yeah, I need to do a little better and I need some more training or experience on this piece of equipment.’ I see it as a win for both sides,” Gatlin said.

The Limestone County Commission also passed the following items of business.

Resolutions and orders

• A resolution to utilize ARPA funds to hire Martin and Cobey for construction management services for jail health care unit.

Contracts, agreements, MOUs and grants• An agreement between the City of Athens, the Limestone County Commission, and by the Limestone County Sheriff for the housing of inmates beginning Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024.

• A contract beginning Oct. 1, 2023, and ending Sept. 30, 2024, between Katye Hanson, Service Coordinator, and the Limestone County Commission for the Service Coordinator to coordinate diversion services for juveniles assigned through the Limestone County Juvenile Court, including community service, ankle monitoring, and outpatient substance abuse programs.

• Adopt resolutions concerning the special district school taxes.

• The following TARCOG contracts:

• Aging Contract with said contract supplying Limestone County Commission/COA funds in the amount of $129,530 from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.

• Senior RX Contract with said contract supplying Limestone County Commission/COA funds in the amount of $20,848 from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.

• Contract retroactive April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024, between TARCOG and the Limestone County Commission to maintain the existence insurance and benefit counseling program known as the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP).

• A Memorandum of Understanding for the Athens-Limestone GIS Consortium.

• Amend the P25 repeater agreement between the Limestone County Commission and Motorola.

• Support the proposed project submitted by Spectrum Southeast, LLC “Spectrum” to the Capital Projects Fund.

• A service agreement between the Limestone County Solid Waste Department and 3rd Eye technology for vehicle monitoring systems.

• Apply for a grant through the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program. There is no county match.

• Contract for animal control services for one year between the Limestone County Commission and the Athens Limestone Animal Shelter which will be the Athens Limestone Veterinary Clinic. Commissioner Barksdale voted against the contract.

Board appointments

• Appoint Faith Hooper to the Pryor Field Board of Directors beginning Oct. 1, 2023.

Personnel, policies and staffing actions

• Approved new employee performance review process.

• Approved the Staffing Plan, effective October 1, 2023.

• Transfer Benjamin Hill from laborer to truck operator in the Solid Waste Department, effective September 18, 2023.

• Transfer Eddie Robertson from truck operator to assistant mechanic in the Solid Waste Department, effective Sept. 18, 2023.

Engineer’s reports

• Preliminary and final approval for Bennett Subdivision creating two lots in District 3 at 11795 Escue Drive, south of the Tanner Post Office.

• Preliminary and final approval for Betty Jean Jackson Subdivision creating three lots in District 4 on the northeast corner of the AL Hwy 99 and Union Hill Road intersection.

• Preliminary and final approval for The Billy Gene and Linda Gail Posey Farm to replat lots 14A, 16A, and 17, affecting three lots in District 1 north of 25423 Mooresville Road on the west side of the road.

• Preliminary and final approval for York Acres Subdivision to replat Tract 1 affecting one lot in District 3 approximately 500’ west of the York Lane and Evans Road intersection.

• Preliminary and final approval for Ferguson Farm Subdivision creating two lots in District 3 approximately 300’ west of the Miller Street and Deb Drive intersection.

Other business

• Amend the Limestone County Safety Committee list.

• Approve expense reimbursement to Christa McCurry for the reimbursement of mileage for the ADECA Conference in July 2023.

The next Limestone County Commission will be 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, at the Clinton Street Annex.