Limestone County and Athens City Schools propose 2022-23 budgets

Published 2:00 pm Saturday, August 27, 2022

This week, the Limestone County and Athens City school boards met during their regular meetings for readings of their proposed FY 2023 budgets.

The revenues and expenditures displayed are only proposed budgets and will be approved (or not approved) by the school boards following the second budget readings.

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Since these are proposed revenues and expenditures, they are subject to change.

Limestone County Schools will host their second budget reading at the regularly scheduled Sept. 13, 2022, meeting at 6 p.m.

Athens City Schools will host their second budget hearing at the regularly scheduled Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Important terms:

Fund Types

GeneralThe general fund is for all financial resources of the system except funds required to be accounted for in another fund. The general fund supports the primary operating functions of the system.

Special RevenueSpecial revenue funds account for the proceeds of revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for designated purposes.

Debt ServiceDebt Service funds operate as an accumulation of resources for the payment of general long-term debt. This includes both principal and interest debt.

Capital ProjectCapital Project funds support the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities other than those of proprietary and trust funds.

Expenditures by function

Instructional ServicesInstructional activities dealing directly with the interaction between teachers and students.

Instructional Support ServicesThose services or activities providing supervision and/or technical and logistical support to facilitate and enhance instruction.

Operation and Maintenance ServicesActivities concerned with maintaining the physical plant, grounds, buildings, and equipment.

Auxiliary ServicesActivities or services functioning in a subsidiary capacity and assisting the educational process, such as transportation and food services.

General Administrative Services

Activities concerned with establishing and administering policy pertaining to the operation of the system.

Capital Outlay — Real PropertyActivities concerned with land and building acquisition, land and building improvements, building additions, and construction, architecture, and engineering services.

Debt Services — Long TermActivities involved in servicing the long term debt(s) of the system.

Other Expenditures

Activities involving the operations of programs other than those normally considered “day school.”