Allen arrested after car accident

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, February 13, 2022

Joshua Oneil Allen, 27, of Athens is being held at the Limestone Detention Center with- out bail for probation violations and on $5,000 for new charges received. Allen was arrest- ed following an auto accident on Jan. 28, 2022.

On Jan. 25, LCSO received a report of Allen, a convicted felon, in pos- session of a sawed-off shotgun, displaying it in a threatening manner. Two days later, Lime- stone County Investigator Steven Ferguson be- gan work on an identity theft case and discovered the victim’s bank account number had been compromised and used to illegally illicit funds. Allen was discovered to be a suspect and had allegedly obtained $549.53 using the vic- tim’s identity.

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The following day, Allen was involved in an accident. He was ar- rested on two probation violation warrants for previous convictions of robbery. Allen was also found to be in possession of an illegal short-barreled shotgun with the serial number removed. He was arrested on the two outstanding war- rants for third-degree robbery and additionally charged with identity theft and possession of an altered firearm.

“I am proud of Investigator Ferguson for working to solve these difficult financial crimes and additionally getting this illegal firearm out of the hands of a convicted felon,” Limestone County Sheriff Joshua McLaughlin said.