County honors retiring employee

Published 5:00 am Thursday, December 24, 2020

Each Limestone County Commission agenda includes time for commissioners and the commission chairman to share comments with the community. And in nearly every meeting, you’ll hear at least one person use their time to thank the employees who work behind the scenes each day to keep the county running.

This week, Bryan Robinson got more than just a few words at a meeting — he got a surprise party and a certificate honoring his more than 14 years with District 4.

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Robinson grew up in Indiana, but his parents were born and raised in Elkmont. He returned to Limestone County in 2006 and has worked with the county since as an equipment operator, driving trucks, digging graves and “just whatever we needed done,” he said.

“In time, we all have to be able to do all of the above,” Robinson told The News Courier.

Soon, that will include retiring and letting someone else take over the job. Robinson said he turned 62 this year, and he’s looking forward to spending retirement with his grandchildren and other family members.

On Tuesday, Commission Chairman Collin Daly presented Robinson with the certificate recognizing Robinson’s time as a county employee. Daly noted that while the commissioners or chairman might change, the county employees tend to remain the same, making them a true asset to the county’s operation.

During Robinson’s tenure, he has worked under three commissioners — Bill Daws, Ben Harrison and most recently, LaDon Townsend. Townsend said Robinson has been a great employee, and it was clear from Townsend’s start that Robinson’s coworkers respected him.

“He really does care about Limestone County and District 4,” Townsend said. “He loves the guys out there. It’s like a big family.”

Townsend said they’ll probably hire another equipment operator for the district, but there’ll be no replacing Robinson.

“When you work with someone as much as they do … they become really close,” he said. “He’s become like a second dad or an uncle to some of the younger guys. He’s going to be missed.”

The District 4 family gathered Tuesday night to surprise Robinson with cake at the district’s tool shed, one more hurrah before Robinson officially retires. His last day as equipment operator is Dec. 31.