LLCA doubles goal in coat drive
Published 5:00 pm Saturday, December 19, 2020
- Lindsay Lane Christian Academy Headmaster Steve Murr, second from left, students and others hold some of the jackets and coats collected during a two-week drive to benefit local homeless individuals. The drive, which had a "101 Dalmations" theme, had a goal of 101 coats but concluded with more than 200.
A simple drive with a cute theme had an “awesome” outcome for Lindsay Lane Christian Academy seniors, as they were able to provide not 100 but more than 200 coats for area homeless this week.
The “101 Dalmations”-themed coat drive took place over the course of about two weeks at each of the three LLCA campuses after seniors learned of the need for coats and jackets in Limestone County. Headmaster Steve Murr mused the theme was chosen because “dalmations” and “donations” sound so similar, and the school decided to aim for 101 coats or jackets collected.
When Hearts for Homeless and First Baptist Church of Athens arrived to pick up the coats for distribution to those in need, there were 217 coats in the pile — more than double the students’ goal.
“The students really came through with that,” Murr said.
Cara Glass, an LLCA senior, said it was amazing to take part.
“It was really awesome, just seeing all three campuses come together and raise that many coats and just be the hands and feet of Jesus to help people,” she said.
She explained that as a Christian school that regularly turns to the Bible, students know they should reach people in need and show them Christ’s love.
“One thing I really appreciated about this drive is we were also able to send Bibles with them,” Glass said, referring to the organizations that benefitted from the drive. “It wasn’t just about reaching physical needs but reaching their spiritual needs with the Bibles.”
Murr praised the LLCA students for leading the coat drive, calling it an “encouraging thing.”
“The students really came through with that,” he said.
LLCA has three campuses across Limestone County. Other drives this year include blood drives to boost supplies affected by the pandemic and a shipment of school supplies for a Christian academy in South Dakota that struggled to provide materials for students that were forced to learn remotely with little or no internet access.