Grow more, give more: Project encourages gardeners to grow more and give back

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Vegetable gardening can be rewarding to more people than just gardeners and their families. Gardeners often harvest more than their families can use and the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service’s Grow More, Give More provides a way to share that bounty.

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Grow More, Give More encourages gardeners to grow extra and give back to their communities.  The project expands community-based gardening as a way to increase donations of healthy vegetables across Alabama.

 How it works

Every single donation of produce is valuable, whether it’s across the street or across the state. Extension agents said whatever a gardener chooses, they are thankful for each person taking part in the “Grow More, Give More” effort.


How to donate

• Consider dropping off extra vegetables to neighbors shut in by age or illness, or affected by job loss, who would appreciate fresh produce.

• Schools, community centers and places of worship are addressing food insecurity in ways you may not realize. Reach out and see if there is a need you can help fill. 

• Statewide charities such as Society of St. Andrew, a crop gleaning charity, and the Food Bank of North Alabama will coordinate donations, particularly in larger quantities.

The Alabama Extension said the power of grass roots efforts like Grow More, Give More is often underestimated. The organization wants to capture the strength and generosity of Alabama gardeners participating in Grow More, Give More.

Participants can document the number of pounds they donate by visiting to complete an online survey. Photos of donations can also be submitted to the Alabama Smart Yards Facebook page or by using the hashtag #growmoregivemore.

Visit to find out more. 


— Provided by Bethany O’Rear and Kerry Smith