Athens man charged with financial exploitation of elderly
Published 6:30 am Friday, January 4, 2019
- William "Rodney" Jackson
An Athens man accused of stealing more than $2,500 from four elderly people in 2013 has been formally charged with three counts of first-degree financial exploitation of an elderly person, records show.
Based on an investigation by the Alabama Securities Commission and others, a Limestone County grand jury recently indicted William “Rodney” Jackson, 44, of 13580 Coldstream Way.
According to the indictment, Jackson is accused of obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over United States currency in excess of $2,500 and with the intent of depriving the owner of the property. Jackson is charged on three counts of exploitation involving four people, including:
• Count 1 involves one person and occurred May 13, 2013;
• Count 2 involves two people and occurred May 2, 2013; and
• Count 3 involves one person and occurred May 24, 2013.
The names of the alleged victims were redacted in the indictment filed in Limestone County District Court.
Jackson turned himself in to the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office on Dec. 28, Dan Lord with the ASC told The News Courier Dec. 31. He was released after posting a $15,000 bond, records show.
Details of the case against Jackson were limited Thursday. Lord said a press release on the arrest would be issued, possibly this week.
Under Alabama law, a person can be charged with financial exploitation of an elderly person if he or she “intentionally and knowingly uses deception, intimidation, undue influence, force or threat of force to obtain or exert unauthorized control over the property of (a person) who is age 60 or older.”
First-degree financial exploitation of an elderly person is a Class B felony punishable upon conviction by two to 20 years in state prison.