Democrats to host kickoff party Tuesday

Published 12:00 pm Saturday, December 30, 2017

Following Democrat Doug Jones’ surprise victory over Republican Roy Moore in the Dec. 12 U.S. Senate election, there may be some Democratic men and women in Limestone County interested in unseating some Republicans in 2018.

To that end, the Limestone County Democrats will host a kickoff event from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday at its headquarters at 22143 U.S. 72, Athens. The public is invited to attend.

Email newsletter signup

Party Chairman Mike Smith said the purpose of the event is to raise awareness about the offices that will be on the ballot next year and to provide information about how to qualify to those interested in seeking office. The deadline to qualify is Feb. 9.

Limestone County offices up for election next year include:

• Probate judge;

• Sheriff;

• License commissioner;

• Coroner;

• Circuit court clerk;

• County commission chairman;

• District 1 commissioner;

• District 3 commissioner; and

• County school board districts 6 and 7.

What’s a Democrat?

A press release about Tuesday’s event said a Democratic candidate could be an educator, public worker, small business owner, private industry professional or housewife “passionate about the direction of government in our society today.” Other tenets of the party include:

• Equal justice for all and honest ethical government that sustains quality public education, affordable health care both physical and mental;

• That natural resources are a sacred obligation and we are committed to clean air and water;

• That at a livable wage is essential for Alabama workers to face the future with dignity and without fear and that a strong viable economy is built from the bottom up;

• That those that benefit the most from our free enterprise system should bear a proportionate cost of its maintenance;

• We condemn all schemes of taxation, which shift a disproportionate burden of government onto the shoulders of those who are least able to pay;

• That it is the duty of all public servants to assist the sick, poor, the aged and others in need with compassion and with realistic awareness of todays needs;

• That every citizen is entitled to an equal voice and participation without regard to religion, race or how humble or exalted his/her origin; and

• As Democrats we are bound to defend, protect and honor our laws, that when they are just, it is our privilege to sustain them, that when they err, it is our duty to correct them.

Smith said it’s important to note those principles have nothing to do with “today’s state of affairs,” but were instead taken from the Democratic bylaws written years ago.

“This is who we are, who we’ve always been and this is our mission for the future,” he said.

For more information about the party or Tuesday’s event, contact Smith at 256-431-4871 or