UPDATE: Tuesday incident involves theft, bicycle getaway, shooting

Published 6:58 pm Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An argument and theft incident that began inside a vehicle Tuesday led to a brief bicycle and truck chase, a shooting and ultimately ended with domestic violence charges for two people.

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The incident, first reported shortly before noon, began inside the pickup truck of Tina Scott, 45, of 22339 New Garden Road, Elkmont. Sheriff Mike Blakely said Scott and a male acquaintance, 41-year-old Mark Scott of 256 Pleasant Hill, Road, Prospect, Tennessee, began arguing inside the vehicle. Blakely said Mark Scott attempted to exit the truck while it was still in motion.

Tina Scott stopped the truck at the intersection of New Garden and Slate roads, and it was then that Blakely said Mark Scott grabbed Tina’s purse, which contained $5,700, and exited the vehicle. He then grabbed a bicycle from the back of the truck and began riding north on Slate Road.

The sheriff said Tina Scott then drove back to her New Garden Road residence, grabbed a 9 mm pistol and asked her teenage son to help find Mark Scott and retrieve the purse.

Blakely said Tina Scott located Mark Scott on the bicycle and struck the bike with her truck. He said the pair then began a verbal and physical altercation and Tina struck Mark in the head with her fist. Mark then grabbed an axe handle from the back of Tina’s truck and began assaulting Tina’s son.

The sheriff said Tina Scott then fired the pistol, striking Mark Scott in the left foot. Blakely said Mark Scott then took the pistol away from Tina Scott, and it was either thrown or dropped in a nearby location.

Mark Scott was treated at Athens-Limestone Hospital and released.

Blakely said the purse was retrieved, but deputies were still searching for the pistol as of press time.

Tina Scott and Mark Scott were both charged with second-degree domestic violence assault, but Blakely said additional charges are pending. Bond is likely to be set Wednesday.