Principals swap posts at Elkmont, Career Tech Center

Published 8:58 am Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Limestone County Board of Education voted Tuesday to swap two principal positions in the Limestone County School System.

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The decision means Elkmont High School Principal Mickey Glass will move to the Limestone County Career Technical Center and Principal Stan Davis will transfer to Elkmont.

“Mr. Glass, Mr. Davis and I have been discussing a possible change for about two months,” Superintendent Barry Carroll said. “Although change can be hard, we believed it was in the best interest of both principals.  I have the utmost respect and confidence in Mr. Davis and Mr. Glass.  I know both of them will do an outstanding job in their new positions.”

Carroll said he also made a recommendation Tuesday for Glass, Davis, Billy Owens at Tanner High School, Harold Johns at Cedar Hill Elementary and Donald Wilson at Clements High School to receive a 2 percent raise and three-year contracts. The board voted 3-2 against the recommended raises. However, all five principals received three-year contracts.

Other approved items included:

• Hiring Davis Architects to perform land utilization study on approximately 50 acres at West Limestone School at a cost of $7,500;

• Amending 2012 calendar making March 13 a weather makeup day;

• Joint purchasing agreement with Athens City Schools for produce to be used at the schools;

• Bids on textbook tracking software;

• Hiring Adam Graves as custodian at Blue Springs Elementary, Danny Graviet as custodian at Creekside Elementary School, Alton Nix as custodian at Creekside Elementary School, John Wilson as agriscience teacher at East Limestone High School, Pryor Wiley as custodian at Tanner High School, Jamie Bowman as band director at Ardmore High School, and Lauren Graham as agriscience teacher at Ardmore High School;

• Transferring Lynette Cobb to elementary teacher at Creekside Elementary School, Becky Dunivant to special education teacher at Johnson Elementary School, Stephanie Tucker as special education instructional assistant at Johnson Elementary School, and Teresa Rogers as Child Nutrition program director at Central Office;

• Retirement of Gayle Black as guidance counselor at the Career Technical School;

• Resignation of Vicki Hill as CNP worker at East Limestone High School and Reagan Rhone as language arts teacher at Tanner High School.